is a 501c(7) organization based in San Antonio, Texas and consists of clubs, callers, and cuers engaged
in square, round, contra/quadrille, and clog dancing.
ECMA IS THE ABBREVIATION FOR EMERGENCY CALL FOR MEDICAL AID. This signal is for use by the DANCERS to notify the Caller of a medical problem in their square. Important minutes are frequently lost in the frenzy of waving arms and explanations that cannot be heard or understood across a crowded dance floor.
STEP ONE: When a dancer goes down, a second dancer attends him/her.
STEP TWO: Remaining couples join hands and take a step backward. This allows the injured person and attendant air and room.
STEP THREE: Raise joined hands as high as possible in the form of an arched circle.
STEP FOUR: On seeing this signal, the Caller or hall monitor will immediately place an Emergency Call For Medical Aid.
Callers/Cuers please take time to explain the arched circle ECMA signal to your dancers and familiarize them with the procedure and its purpose.